The idea that you can use humour, laughter, and play to promote your health probably seems too simple to be true. However, it really is true and that simple.
A sense of humour, laughter and play all have a part in keeping us healthy. There are benefits to increasing these joyful practices into your life that will affect you mentally, physically and socially.
Humour And Laughter
The sound of laughter is infectious. Have you ever heard the giggles of a young child and been able to resist smiling in return? The sound of a roaring belly laugh is far more contagious than a sniffle, sneeze, or cough.
When laughter is shared between people, it binds them together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter is beneficial physically, mentally and socially, and helps Create Priceless Positive Sensory Memories
Some of the physical benefits include:
Some of the mental...